
Pools in Knurow

2013/05/09  |  blading   |  7  |  1  |   |  5

I like working with bladers in places like the one I want to show you today.

Pools in Knurow © kubaurbanczyk.pl

Slightly abandoned, neglected, waiting for better times (or remembering them through the fog ...), often concealing some surprises. I also like the unpredictable weather during the photo sessions, of course if it`s within reasonable limits and unless there`s no rain. It may be a bit annoying when every now and then some rays of the sun breaks through the clouds and changes the appearance of the scene because that leads to to constant adjustments of the flash or exposure settings and many failed attempts. But on the other hand it gives you the chance to capture something extraordinary, magical and fresh. Unfortunately, it`s not possible to take advantage of this opportunity every time it happens ... How I managed it this time ? Check out some pictures taken in March 2012 in Knurów, Polan with Skała, Tomo and Basha. Enjoy!

© kubaurbanczyk.pl © kubaurbanczyk.pl © kubaurbanczyk.pl © kubaurbanczyk.pl © kubaurbanczyk.pl © kubaurbanczyk.pl

Oceń // średnia ocena: 5

  thank you!

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Comments (1)

Marcin 2013/05/10 23:02:09
Udało sie! Zdjecie Skaly kocur!!!
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To już koniec tego wpisu, trwa ładowanie .

Jeśli temat Cię zainteresował, to może rzucisz okiem na inne zdjęcia ?