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Check out a photo report from the 6th edition of Battle Warsaw - European Championship slalom competition.
Skate Arena Cup was the first event held at the Plock skatepark. Despite its small size and small obstacles it allowed to make an exciting and spectacular event.
Sometimes finding an agreement and a solution which makes happy everybody is more difficult than we can imagine. And it may take longer, than to build the subject of agreement.
Winter loves Poland ... I came backe from UK yesterday, and that`s the impression I get.
Finally! I've been blogging for over 4 years in polish, but starting from today my blog is also available in English.
Winterclash 2013 is over.
Winterclash 2013- one of the the biggest blading competitions in Europe and inauguration of the next season will be held in Eindhoven next weekend.
Voting phase of the "blog of the year" contest came to an end. I`d like to thank you very much for your SMSes sent for my blog.
During my visit in Rzeszow in November I had a chance to work with the girls from the Powerslide team again.
Zapraszam na kolejne zdjęcia Pauli Zawadzkiej. Tym razem udało nam się spotkać na katowickiej plazie PTG.
Z lekkim opóźnieniem zapraszam na relację z dziesiątych urodzin zespołu Negatyw.
... a miało być tak pięknie: dwudniowy piknik rolkowy, warsztaty fotografii, konkursy, nauka jazdy ...