Ubiegły sezon rolkowy został już podsumowany w dwóch większych produkcjach, o których wspominałem na blogu: "Wymiatacze" oraz "Surf City".
Last blading season has already been summarized in two major productions that I've mentioned previously on the blog: "Wymiatacze" and "Surf City". Nevertheless, today I would like to invite you to the premiere of the next "big" movie called: "Delirium Tremens", which premiere will be on March 29th in Rzeszow (details on facebook). Last weekend I had the opportunity to watch the pre-premiere of this brand new production and talk to its author and main producer - Bartosz Kidacki. He told me that his motivation to make the "Delirium" was the fact that he has always had some sections in other movies made by someone else, and this time he just wanted to be the host at his own block. This one sentence concludes the whole of his work: it shows skaters from Rzeszów, how they ride and what is their point of view at blading. The level of implementation is downright fricking good as for the local production: brilliant camera work, interesting and smooth editing, enjoyable postproduction, great music, I could go on and on... Nay, there is nothing I could possibly pick on in this movie. I hope that Bartek, Monia, Szuma and the rest of the crew kept enough energy and motivation, to attempt another big project like that, in the upcoming season, maybe this time presenting the entire Polish scene? Time will show and I just keep my fingers crossed! Right now I would like to invite you all to have a look at these three shots from my November meeting with Bartek at his local skatepark.
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